31st Annual Dr. Daniel H. López President's Golf Tournament
September 12 & 13, 2024
Click here to download the brochure.
Click here to download the registration form.
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Dr. Mahyar Amouzegar continues the 31-year tradition that has helped more than 500 students complete their education at New Mexico Tech. Proceeds support students’ scholarly endeavors and the creation of additional resources to support the mission of the University.
Questions? Contact Sandi Lucero at 575.835.5618 or pgt@npe.noujcf.com
Alternatively, donations to the President’s Scholarship Fund can be made by contacting Sandi Lucero at Sandi.Lucero@noujcf.com.
Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Copper Sponsors Door Prize/Goody Bag Sponsors Note: In addition to helping students complete their education, proceeds from the President's Golf Tournament are used to steward donors and support fundraising.